For the past few weeks I feel like I've been in my own personal black hole. It's sucked me in, and now I'm trapped and unable to escape. No sooner do I start to crawl out does it suck me back down deeper.
It's been a really rough few weeks all truth told. I've had a whole load of crap thrown at me, and have hit levels of lowness that I haven't experienced for many, many years, but also I've discovered that I have an incredible amount of support that I had no idea existed. Every cloud and all that....
But first.... I haven't updated this blog for almost 6 weeks now, because the last time I did I offended someone completely unintentionally, and I felt terrible for quite a while. I insinuated that the head of the school I'm on the PTA for didn't give two hoots about the fayre I've been organising, and looking back it gave the impression that she was unsupportive and disinterested, and I apologise to her for that. She has been as supportive as she can, but work demands limit her availability to get involved in additional stuff. On seeing first hand how much work it has taken to organise this fayre, I cannot fathom how someone can run an entire school! With only 2 weeks to go until the fayre though, I am finally feeling a bit more in control of it all. I hate that free-fall sensation where you're aware that time is racing past but you are unable to do anything about it or get anything under control. We have struggled with a lack of helpers, yet still we have somehow managed to get things very nicely under control and will hopefully put on a great day for everyone. I will be so glad once it's done and dusted though, I dread to think how many grey hairs will emerge as a result of the worry and stress!
Most people who know me know my mood has been at rock bottom for a few weeks recently. I'm not sure what triggered it; there have certainly been a lot of potential culprits. Two weeks ago my GP was concerned enough about me that he called the police out to my house to check that I was ok. I had input from the (useless) crisis team, a lot of support from my awesome GP, and Larry took an extended period of time off work to help me look after the children and allow me a much-needed break. What astounded me though was the amount of support I received from my RMR ladies. I never once felt judged or patronised, as a result I've gotten to know some of them much better which has been lovely, but mostly I've just felt cushioned and loved. And my god have I needed that. In being able to show weakness I have been given a whole lot of strength back, and I will never be able to thank them enough for that. Even in the 21st century, mental illness is such a taboo subject. Despite the rapidly increasing prevalence of mental health problems in society, a lot of people still treat is as a dirty subject, much like they would a sexually transmitted infection. It is the underclass of health problems, the thing people don't like to talk about for fear of being judged. Yet is that exact attitude that creates the judgement. I don't want to be ashamed that I have anorexia and depression, but I am. Whenever I have to talk about it I inwardly wince. So often I've thought that it would be easier having cancer, because that's just as much of a killer as, say, anorexia, but its far more socially acceptable. In that your body has been invaded so you are blameless. But in mental illness when it's your thoughts that are to blame, well that's all your fault isn't it?

So for now I'm dragging myself through the days, trying to do my best at everything I do. I'm working my hardest at making a success of the school summer fayre and running club, I'm trying to be the best mum to my children as I can despite the emotional blunting I have at present, and I'm searching hard for that passion for running that is buried deep within me, and perhaps will be the thing to lift me out of this seemingly endless black hole. But until that happens I will grasp the love and support on offer, and hope that one day it will be enough to start me moving up and out.
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